The full, formal names of schools and colleges ARE capitalized. Academic divisions, departments, and sequences within schools and colleges ARE NOT capitalized in writing for the news media: the division of biological sciences in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences; the department of reading education in the College of Education. In more formal writing, departments and divisions may be capitalized.

Capitalize “schools” that are in fact units (departments or groups of departments) within a college or school: the Hodgson School of Music and the Lamar Dodd School of Art are departments of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.

Generally, the full, formal names of major administrative divisions, departments, and offices ARE capitalized. Use lower case on second reference: the Division of Student Affairs, the student affairs division.

Capitalize the full, formal names of centers and institutes and lower case on second reference or in informal usage, when feasible: the Institute of Higher Learning, the higher education institute; the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center.

Capitalize the formal names of campus organizations and ongoing programs: Interfraternity Council, University Council.

IN ALUMNI PERIODICALS, capitalize formal programs and activities that are of special interest to alumni: Pooled Income Fund, Homecoming.

See the University of Georgia entry on capitalization of “university.”

See individual listings of buildings and titles and names.


Following the 2011 merger of the Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia and the University of Georgia Foundation, there is one Board of Trustees for the University of Georgia Foundation.

On Second Reference

On second and subsequent references, use trustees or board of trustees. Capitalize second reference for formal usage.

Titles and Names

As a general rule, capitalize all campus buildings, even those with generic names that reflect the discipline taught or the activity conducted therein (Administration Building, Physics Building), as these are the official building names. 

Most campus buildings and facilities are listed individually in this style guide. Context or special usage may require deviating from the rules.

More Information


Capitalize the team name. Dawgs should be avoided in body text but is acceptable in headlines.


The official title is Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Capitalize in formal use. The office, in Atlanta, is the University System office.

On Second Reference

“board of regents” or simply “regents.”

Titles and Names

Formal title is J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics. It should be capitalized like a named professorship.

Titles and Names

Capitalize board of directors when, on first reference, it is part of a proper name: the Savannah Girl Scout Council Board of Directors; use lower case when used alone or before the proper title: the board of directors of First National Bank. The same rule applies to board of trustees, board of managers and board of regents.

Titles and Names

The college one attended (lower case); “Alma Mater” (upper case, in quotes) is the song.

Academic Terms

In text, capitalize only proper nouns and adjectives: Members of the English faculty; several philosophy professors; he teaches Romance languages; the history department.
