The area of campus west of Lumpkin Street, generally the area of the high-rise residence halls; capitalized.

Buildings and Locations

In a sentence, always use the word “the” with the noun “University of Georgia,” except in lists of institutions. When “University of Georgia” is an adjective, “the” is not needed.

On Second Reference

UGA or the university.


UGA Campuses

This is the name of a student organization and does not refer to the student center building or the student activities program.

On Second Reference

Capitalize Union.


No apostrophe; capitalized.

Preferred Spelling

The university library program includes several separate libraries. The three major units (main, science and law) are housed in three separate buildings. Refer to the system as the University Libraries or UGA Libraries.

Buildings and Locations

Degree-completion programs have been offered at the Griffin campus since 2005. Additional undergraduate programs, as well as graduate programs, have been added in recent years.

Located 40 miles south of Atlanta, the Griffin campus was established in 1888 as the Georgia Experiment Station.

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More Information

UGA Campuses

The University of Georgia offers several graduate degree programs, as well as continuing education, at the campus, located at 2530 Sever Road in Lawrenceville, just off Interstate 85 at the Old Peachtree Road exit.

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More Information

UGA Campuses

If a task force has a formal, given name, capitalize it: The University Council Task Force on Solid Waste Reduction will meet today.

If the reference is general or generic, do not capitalize: The University Council will appoint a task force on reducing solid waste.


Excellent teachers are invited to join UGA’s Teaching Academy, a faculty project supported by the Office of Instruction. Capitalize on first reference.

On Second Reference

Use the academy.
