Capitalize only when it precedes a name. Don’t combine dean, or any administrative title, with an academic title before a name (for example, do not use Dean Dr. John Doe).
Capitalize only when it precedes a name. Don’t combine dean, or any administrative title, with an academic title before a name (for example, do not use Dean Dr. John Doe).
Generally omitted; see titles and names.
In most cases, course titles can be lower case, without quotation marks—a description of subject matter rather than an official title. He teaches beginning calculus each fall. She developed the course on contract law.
In those rare cases where this approach would be confusing, caps or quotation marks (or both) may be used. Be consistent (as much as possible) within the story or publication.
As a leadership title (along with chairman, chairwoman, chairperson).
A faculty member who is appointed to a named professorship is said to hold or occupy a chair. Any chair (any named professorship) can be called an endowed chair, because it is supported by an endowment (funds specifically set aside or donated for the purpose, from either internal or external sources).
Named professorships are capitalized. Often the full title includes first names and middle initials of the donors; they may be omitted in normal use.
On second reference, the field may often be omitted as well. If Jane Doe is the Beatrice E. Dante Professor of Medieval Imagery, she holds the Beatrice E. Dante Chair [or Professorship] in Medieval Imagery. Even on first reference, in all but the most formal settings, these may be rendered the Dante Professor of Medieval Imagery and the Dante Chair in Medieval Imagery.
The person directly responsible for overseeing the faculty, staff and students at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership in Athens. The campus dean reports to the dean of the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University with accountability to the UGA senior vice president for academic affairs and provost. Michelle Nuss is the campus dean for the AU/UGA Medical Partnership.
Following the 2011 merger of the Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia and the University of Georgia Foundation, there is one Board of Trustees for the University of Georgia Foundation.
On second and subsequent references, use trustees or board of trustees. Capitalize second reference for formal usage.
Formal title is J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics. It should be capitalized like a named professorship.
Capitalize board of directors when, on first reference, it is part of a proper name: the Savannah Girl Scout Council Board of Directors; use lower case when used alone or before the proper title: the board of directors of First National Bank. The same rule applies to board of trustees, board of managers and board of regents.
The official title is Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Capitalize in formal use. The office, in Atlanta, is the University System office.
“board of regents” or simply “regents.”
See entries on degrees and titles and names.