Maintained by the Office of Emergency Preparedness, UGAAlert provides emergency notification to the university community on multiple platforms.

The preferred way to write the name is one word and italicize “Alert.” For writing that is published in color, UGA should be black and “Alert” should be red.

Preferred Spelling
Titles and Names

Synonym that can be used interchangeably for junior. Hyphenate the adjective: He is in his third year; he is a third-year student.

Titles and Names

Use full names on first reference. On second and subsequent references, use only last names, without courtesy titles, for both men and women regardless of marital status.

There are two exceptions:

  1. To distinguish between a husband and wife quoted in the same story; confusion can often be avoided by using first names.
  2. In obituaries, in media releases but not in Columns, after the first reference, refer to men either by their academic title or by “Mr.”; refer to women either by their academic title or by “Ms.” If you know the woman in question preferred “Miss” or “Mrs.” to “Ms.,” use the appropriate title conveying marital status.

job titles

A person’s formal title should be used on first reference. Use lower case for titles unless they are directly before a name and function as part of the name. As a general rule, titles containing more than four words should be placed after the name. Do not capitalize titles in generic usage: The deans met with the president. The vice president attended the meeting.

academic titles

If a professor holds an endowed chair or special professorship, capitalize the full name of the title: John Doe, Dunley Professor of Academic Law. The full name of the chair often includes first names and middle initials of the donor; these can omitted on first reference. Do not use academic and job titles in conjunction: do not write “Dean Dr. Jane Doe.” Use “Dr.” before a name only when the person in question has an M.D. or D.V.M. degree; it is assumed that UGA faculty possess the terminal degree in their field.

leadership titles

Use whatever title the group uses for its leader: “chairman,” “chairwoman,” “chairperson,” or “chair.” If the information from the group does not make clear the title the group uses, “chairperson” is preferred.

titles of events

Capitalize, in quotation marks, the full, formal titles of workshops, conferences, seminars, speeches, art exhibitions and similar events:A workshop titled “The Use of the Library” will be held next week. Use lower case for subject matter: The main library will offer a workshop on library use.

courtesy titles

In a formal list (of participants or donors, for instance), “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” “Miss,” and “Ms.” should be omitted, except when a woman has chosen to use her husband’s name. Jane Doe, but Mrs. Joseph Doe, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe. See Honor Roll of Donors.

titles of works in Columns

Although newspaper style traditionally avoided italics, technology now allows us to set italics as easily as roman. Columns italicizes the names of:

  • books
  • newspapers and magazines
  • plays and films
  • television or radio series
  • art exhibitions, exhibits and other gallery displays
  • paintings and other artworks
  • operas and other long musical compositions

Columns uses quotation marks to set off the titles of shorter works:

  • short stories, magazine or newspaper articles, poems
  • individual episodes of television or radio series
  • songs and short musical compositions
  • lectures and speeches

Treat words like “the” and “magazine” as part of a publication’s title (capping, italicizing, including in quotes, as appropriate) only when so treated by the publication in question; check the masthead to be sure. In Columns “the” within a sentence is not capitalized unless there is also a change of typeface (e.g., to italics) or a quotation mark to cue the reader.

Titles and Names

Acceptable adjective or noun that can be used interchangeably for fourth-year student (with more than 90 credit hours). Students who have been undergraduates for more than four years are still called seniors; when necessary, they may be called fifth-year students or fifth-year seniors (or sixth-year, or whatever is accurate).

Titles and Names

Acceptable adjective and noun that can be used interchangeably for second-year student (with 31–60 credit hours).

Titles and Names

Lower case except when used as a title before a name. Jane T. Doe has been registrar at UGA for several years.

Titles and Names

There are three basic academic ranks: assistant professor, associate professor and professor (sometimes called “full professor”). Promotion from one level to the next depends on the candidate’s record in fulfilling assigned responsibilities of teaching, research and service; the decision is made by the candidate’s department and submitted to higher levels of the administrative structure for approval or rejection. The complex rules and policies governing the process are overseen by the academic affairs office.

A named professorship, often but not always created by and named for the donor of the funds setting up the endowment which supports it, is called a chair. Titles of named professorships are capitalized (Grendel Professor of Family Law); regular professorial positions are lower case (She is an associate professor of law).

Titles and Names

Upper case only before the name: President Abraham Baldwin appeared. Josiah Meigs, president of the University of Georgia, attended. When used without the name, use lower case: The president will attend the meeting.

Titles and Names

The New Media Institute, housed at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, is an interdisciplinary teaching and research unit that explores the critical, creative and commercial facets of digital media technology.

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Titles and Names