Full, formal name of the Honors college.

Upper case “Honors,” including “Honors classes” and “Honors students.

On Second Reference

Morehead Honors College, the honors college or the college.

Schools and Colleges

First reference: University of Georgia School of Law.

On Second Reference

School of Law, law school.

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Schools and Colleges

For the academic unit, use College of Pharmacy on first reference and pharmacy college or the college on second reference.

For the building, use R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Building on first reference and pharmacy building on second reference.


Buildings and Locations
Schools and Colleges

The first name and initial may be omitted in all but the most formal writing, such as commencement programs. Do not use D.B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources.

Informal and second reference is the school, the forestry and natural resources school or the Warnell School.

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Schools and Colleges