Privately owned golf and tennis complex for members of the UGA Alumni Association; the Georgia Club is located off Highway 316. Do not confuse the Georgia Club with the UGA Alumni Club and Business Center, which is in Atlanta.

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Buildings and Locations

Name for both the institution and the building on East Campus. Do not use Georgia Art Museum or University of Georgia Museum of Art. When it is necessary to indicate the art museum’s location at the university, use “the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia.” Do not refer to it as GMOA. Note that the museum presents exhibitions, not exhibits.

On Second Reference

the art museum.

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Buildings and Locations

Full, formal name is the Ed and Phoebe Forio Studio Classroom. It is located in the Georgia Museum of Art. Forio Classroom is acceptable on all references.

Buildings and Locations

Located in the Founders Memorial Garden on Lumpkin Street.

Buildings and Locations
Preferred Spelling

Located downtown at the corner of Broad and Thomas streets.

Buildings and Locations