There are five distinct terms between the end of spring semester and the opening of fall semester: the May term, summer semester, short session I (running concurrently with the first half of summer semester), short session II (running concurrently with the second half of summer semester) and the “through term” (including May term and summer semester).

Academic Terms

To graduate “with greatest distinction.”

Academic Terms

Use only the initials in referring to the previously designated Scholastic Aptitude Test or the Scholastic Assessment Test.

Score totals are written without a comma: 1500.

As with GPAs, federal law prohibits releasing individual student scores except with the explicit written permission of the student (not a parent).

Academic Terms
Preferred Spelling

The preferred term for on-campus student living ­accommodations; do not use “dorm” or “dormitory.”

Academic Terms

To graduate “with great distinction.”

Academic Terms

A recipient is a HOPE Scholar. The acronym HOPE stands for “Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally.”

Academic Terms

In reference to fraternities and sororities, avoid this word when possible. If it is unavoidable, use it only as an adjective and capitalize it.

Academic Terms

At UGA, students who graduate do so at Commencement, not at graduation. UGA does not have a “graduation ceremony.”

Note that the verb “graduate” applies only to bachelor’s (undergraduate) degrees. A successful graduate student earns or receives a degree, but does not graduate.

An institution graduates scholars, but a student graduates from an institution. Do not write “He graduated UGA” but instead “He graduated from UGA.”

Academic Terms

To graduate “with distinction.”

Academic Terms